“In the fields, every sunrise is a promise, every sunset a reward.”
– Remez Sasson, Author
What Are We All About
We are Passion, we are Innovation, and we are the Foundation of India's pride.
With the vision to bring a positive impact in the sector, empower farmers, and add to the all-time glory of India, our research-backed innovative products continue to be the key towards flourishing results and happy farmers. We believe in growing together, hand-in-hand with our customers.
Arising from the specific concerns of our customers, every product is meticulously curated to deal with the problem and help them cross to the brighter side with worry-free results and substantial yield.
An array of competent products that encompass:
- Soil Conditioners
- Biofertilizers
- Plant Growth Regulators
- Biofungicides and Bioinsecticides
- Micronutrients and Fertilizers
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Products

And others:
- Adjuvant, Wild Animal Repellent
- Onion Storage Preservative
- Banana Plant Tissue Culture
- Fruit Fly Traps, Pheromone Traps
- Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers, Organic Fertilizers
- Root Zone Enhancers & many more to the list

Let us take you closer to a result-oriented harvest by making farming activities obstacle-free, hassle-free & productive.
Explore Products
Having expanded into top-tier Banana Tissue Culture fits as another feather in our cap.
Our cutting-edge laboratory specialises in banana tissue culture, offering exceptional quality & disease-free planting material. It envisions supporting farmers dedicatedly in churning out healthy, nutritious, & productive crops. Our growing capacity equips the farmers to cope with the widening demand for reliable banana planting material, in turn resulting in not only great quality yields but also brighter livelihoods for farmers.
Integrating new-age tissue culture technology, we aid farmers to access excellent-quality planting material that can fuel up their agricultural output significantly. Our innovative and advanced methods transcend traditional propagation ways by boosting the growth of healthy plants & keeping genetic uniformity intact.

At the Patil Biotech Nursery, we focus on fostering excellent-quality plants, and choosing seeds & planting material with utmost care. With only best practices in store for us, we protect and shield plants from viruses, fungi, and pests, ensuring the boosting of their vitality and strength. Our superior-quality plantlets are promptly available across Maharashtra, often pre-booked by our happy farmers.
Staying true to the requirement of the modern agricultural scenario where farmers expect and seek only the best quality plantlets, we take into consideration all the essentials required to cultivate exceptional yield while maximising time & resources.

With a seasoned experience in the biotechnology & agriculture sector, we believe that the right advice, support, efficient knowledge and guidance can help brands and farmers make informed decisions regarding their agricultural endeavours.
Depending on the concerns and several nuances, we ensure to offer tailor-made guidance after an understanding of the trials under branding consulting. We aim to make it a point to equip our customers with the tools that propel them towards successful ventures.
Chalking the pathway to seamless growth for brands with our brand consultant services, our treasure trove of insights rising from decades-long experiences delivers and surpasses expectations, making our mark in the sphere of brand consultant services.
Plant Tissue Culture

Having expanded into top-tier Banana Tissue Culture fits as another feather in our cap.
Our cutting-edge laboratory specialises in banana tissue culture, offering exceptional quality & disease-free planting material. It envisions supporting farmers dedicatedly in churning out healthy, nutritious, & productive crops. The enlarging capacity equips the farmers to cope with the widening demand for reliable banana planting material, in turn resulting in not only ample and great quality yields but also brighter livelihoods for farmers.
Integrating new-age tissue culture technology, we aid farmers with access to excellent-quality planting material that can fuel up their agricultural output significantly. The innovative and advanced method outshines and transcends traditional propagation ways, by simply boosting the growth of healthy plants while keeping genetic uniformity intact and accelerating the springing up of select plant varieties.